Monday 5 March 2018

Dimension 3 - Time Management

Steve Jobs frequently wore a black T- shirt and jeans. Do you know why? He did that so he didn't have to waste his time thinking about what to wear! This was one small step he used to make more effective use of his time.
Now, not all of us want to dress the same for the rest of our lives to save time so, here are some other techniques which you can use to manage time. But, before we get to the techniques let's understand how time management makes life easier.

How does time management help?
  • It can directly reduce your stress level. 
  • Puts less pressure of bumping up against important deadlines. 
  • It helps to prioritise work. 
  • Allows you to take control of your life and helps to set attainable goals.
  • Helps to accomplish more and to take better decisions.

We live in a world where we are constantly hard pressed for time and leading a productive life requires us to have good time management skills. Time management is especially important for students. Students who learn how to effectively divide their time between numerous activities have a better chance of academic success. ‎

Some of the techniques recommended to manage time are : 
  1. Work backwards – Check the deadline date. Find out how many days are available for submission/studies. Accordingly decide how many hours you have to work per day.
  2. Prepare a schedule – Prepare a time table. Write it down. Decide which subject/unit you will study at a particular time. Study difficult topics when the mind is receptive.
  3. To do list - Start your day by making a ‘to do list’.  Tick as the work gets done. At the end of the day, review.
  4. Prioritise tasks – Check what is important. Number the tasks to be done serially. Similar work can be grouped.
  5. Relax – Do not over burden. Set aside some time each day to pursue a hobby, listen to music, read a book and so on.
  6. Do not postpone – Start working on your assignments as soon as you get them. Look at the requirement of the work. Some work needs to be done continuously; some can be divided into small parts. Plan accordingly.
  7. Be organized – Decide specific places to keep your things. Lot of time gets wasted in searching for things. Keep lists of things handy.
  8. Keep the Cell phone away - Put all electronic devices like mobiles and I pods away while studying. 
  9. Identify time wasters – Sit quietly, introspect, find out what are the major time wasters. Actually time some tasks, you may be spending much more time then you think on it.
  10. Be punctual. 

These are some of the tips that can help you manage your time well. There are many other ways that can help you manage your time. Identify them and use them.
Time management reduces procrastination and helps to achieve goals. Practicing good time management helps in better performance as a person develops a sense of control over ones activities.
So now, set your time, use a planner and start your journey towards success.
More dimensions to follow! Stick around.

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