Wednesday 7 March 2018

Dimension 4 - Motivation

During exams we often find ourselves and others saying “I don’t feel like studying!” Instead of studying for an exam that is 2 weeks away, we end up texting our friends, watching YouTube videos or playing games on our phone. After procrastinating for an hour, when we finally decide to start studying and open our books, the thought pops up again… “I don’t feel like studying!”
Sometimes, you do want to study hard, but you don’t feel motivated enough. Lack of motivation is one reason why most of us don’t feel like studying.
What is motivation?
It is the reason for people’s actions, desires & needs, and it causes a person to want to repeat a behavior. When you study for an hour, then don’t open your books for the next two days thinking that you studied enough “that day”, you are not motivated enough.
Here are some tips that might help you get motivated to study:

Set goals for yourself.  Goals help you to stay focused. Write down your goals & how you intend to achieve them. Make a timetable and follow it regularly. If possible, stick notes around the house for yourself that will help you get motivated.

Reward yourself. It is a good idea to reward yourself once the goal is achieved. The reward could be ‘patting your own back’ or ‘listening to a favorite piece of music’. You could decide small rewards for completing tasks – “If I complete 1 chapter today, I get to watch TV for half an hour” By rewarding yourself whenever a goal is achieved, your brain elicits positive emotions, leading to a realization that efforts result in positive rewards. You start linking challenges as another chance to get a reward. This helps to maintain motivation.

Believe in yourself. This is the most important thing before starting anything. You need to push yourself to study, because no one else is going to do it for you. Believing in yourself can help you accomplish anything. If you have an attitude of “I can’t study”, you won’t feel like studying & you will end up getting fewer marks, which will strengthen your belief that “you can’t”. So, it is always a good idea to have positive attitude.

Sometimes, group studies also boost motivation. It also breaks the monotony and boredom.
Another reason we don’t feel motivated is because we prolong our studies. We start studying one or two weeks before the exam. This causes stress, which reduces our efficiency. Instead, we should take one step at a time. Go through your notes regularly, so you have an understanding of the concepts and don’t have to struggle at the last moment.

One of the best ways to get motivated is to visualize how you will feel when your goals have been achieved… bring in front of your mind’s eye that you are proudly telling your parents about your grades, experience the sense of achievement within yourself. Of course do not day dream, work towards achieving what you want.
Meditation is another factor that helps. When you work on your breathing techniques, it helps calm your mind. Thus, you’re less distracted, less stressed and more motivated. It also helps to improve concentration.
Lastly, stay hydrated, exercise regularly & eat well!
Happy Studying!
More dimensions to follow!

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