Saturday 6 January 2018

Understanding Feminism

Many people through the course of history think that all feminists hate men. False. The truth is that all misandrists hate men. According to the Merriam Webster, feminism means, “the theory of the political, economic and social equality of the sexes.” And misandry is “the hatred of men.” There are extremists in every group but everyone in the group cannot be defined by these people. Many misandrists operate under a feminist alias, most of the times, unknowingly.

Being a feminist is the same as being a humanist or a person who desires equality. Then why call it feminism? Since, in ancient times, women were given inferior treatment and secondary status, many people fought for their rights and named it feminism.

Emma Watson, UN Women Goodwill Ambassador

The female stars who say that they aren’t feminists because they don’t hate men do not know what feminism means and hence, portray the wrong image of the movement. There are certain misconceptions about feminism. They are:
  • People think being a feminist means hating men and calling them inferior. If this was the case then it would be impossible to justify the presence of happily married women in the movement.
  • It is understood that feminism is a movement for white women and it does not do justice to women of colour. This problem arises majorly because the people who showed support towards feminism and became recognised for it were mostly white. But, now, people from everywhere regardless of their colour, are in favour of the movement.
  • It is assumed that feminists are a group of scary, social activists who are out to destroy everyone, especially men. No, rather, they want to see equality developing among men and women.
  • It is believed that feminists want a matriarchal society. No, all they want is an equal society.

Mahatma Jyotiba Phule

But no movement starts off perfectly and that is a part of the process for it to get better.  Moreover, men can be feminists too. Mahatma Jyotiba Phule, who fought for the right to education of women and upliftment of Dalits, can be called a feminist. In modern times, women in the Indian film industry have also greatly promoted feminism. Deepika Padukone through here video “My Choice” gave a message that women must be allowed equal choices like men.

Deepika Padukone

Anti-feminist attitudes existed in the field of psychology as well. In 1890, when philosopher-psychologist William James admitted Mary Whiton Calkins into his graduate seminar all the other male students dropped out. Even when she had completed all of the PhD requirements, Harvard denied her the degree that she had earned. Psychological science has reflected profound changes in the status of women during the last half century.

William James and Mary Calkins

There now exists a branch of psychology called Feminist Psychology. “Feminist psychology critiques historical psychological research as done from a male perspective with the view that males are a norm.” It breaks with the male centric approach and attempts to understand the issues faced by women and other genders. Organizations like Association for Women in Psychology (AWP), Society for the Psychology of Women and the Psychology of the Women Section, of the British Psychological Association were formed with the view of fighting for and raising awareness of gender issues and gender inequality. Feminists have posed many questions that are worthy of being addressed by psychological science.  

The feminist movement idealizes a society where a husband and a wife divide work equally, where the job interviews of women are given as much consideration as men, where transmen and transwomen are given the respect and care that they deserve. When equality prevails in the society, the objective of feminism is achieved.
- Pallavee Joshi


  1. Very well articulated. This helps to clarify misunderstand about feminism and brings out true meaning of feminism. I congratulate Pallavee for this article.

  2. I like how you have tried to serve feminism on a palatable platter for everyone, including men. But being a radical feminist myself I would like to take your attention to the deeper and not so visited realms of feminism. For some women being feminist is an extremely dark world, majorly because of the kind of horrid experiences they have face which are instigated by men. It is extremely difficult to survive with such devastating memories, I think you must have got by now at what I am hinting, yes sexual harassment. So women who have faced this generally become men haters and society haters too in some cases. It is of utmost need to not segregate them and label them as 'men haters'. Feminism is all about inclusion of the good and exclusion of the bad. As far a men who do not understand feminism, let them be. There are plenty of men who are breed to be feminists by strong mothers, so we shouldn't worry. I wish you all the best Pallavee for this amazing journey that you have chosen to explore feminism. ❤️ .
