Monday 19 February 2018

An Introduction to Effective Study Skills

Learning is an integral part of our lives. As students, this learning gets tested during examinations. Often, students are aware that they need to study, but do not know how to go about it, and they are especially unaware of the methods to improve one’s study skills.
An effective study skills questionnaire was made available to students of D.G. Ruparel College. This questionnaire measures seven dimensions and yields a score for each.
These scores not only provide us with an insight into our current study methods and techniques, but it also provides us with an understanding of where our strengths and weaknesses lie. Based on this information, the student can direct efforts to the improvement various dimensions.
The seven dimensions tested through a questionnaire are:

Concentration means to focus our attention on the task at hand and enhance the quality of the work done. To concentrate is to focus on studying without allowing other thoughts to waver our attention. Concentrating well helps to boost our productivity and our ability to learn.

Remembering is a process that is done by everyone daily. Remembering refers to being able to recall and reproduce what has been learnt. To recall means to bring to mind the information, events, situations, etc. that a person has previously learnt or encountered.

Time management is a process of organizing and planning how to divide the time between specific activities. Good time management enables a person to work smarter - get more work done in less time. This is also applicable when the time available is less and the pressure is high.

Textbooks can seem scary but they are not difficult to understand. Focusing on the conceptual meaning of the material while reading enhances the quality of the material which has been learnt. Studying a chapter soon after it has been taught in class helps to gain clarity of the concepts taught.

It refers to actively listening to what is taught in the lecture while simultaneously taking notes of it. Taking effective and reliable notes helps to better understand the key concepts taught. It also helps us to distinguish between various concepts.  

Helps a person to know his/ her own capability to remember the material one has studied. Taking a test is a common way to see how much a person has understood and remembers.

Motivation is generally talked about as something that keeps us going. Motivation can be defined as a driving force or the reason behind our actions. It refers to our desire to bring about a particular change in behaviour. Unless people are motivated to work hard and bring about a change, it won’t be reflected in their results. It is also one of the reasons to explain why people like to repeat and be consistent with certain behaviours.
Each dimension will be further explained in a series of posts to follow. So, stay tuned!


1 comment:

  1. Great job of conducting a research, forming a test, and this evidence based approach. Thanks. This will help us surely. Precise and clear!
